Square feets: 967.35 ft²
Dimensions: 10.37 x 31.1 ft (x3)
Origin: Brazil

SQUARE FEETS: 967,35 ft²
DIMENSIONS: 10,37 x 31,10 ft (each module)
Did you ever dream of building your house in stages? With our independent system this is possible. This is the perfect solution for anyone looking to enlarge or decrease the size of house when desired, for a big family or for a small family that may become big, that wants a beautiful and intelligent house that can also move with you if you get tired from wherever you are. So this is the perfect solution for everybody!
The VINA HOUSE consists of 3 identical modules made up of screwed steel chassis, with LSF walls (Light Steel Frame) and double drywall on the external walls and single on the internal walls with mineral wool thermoacoustic insulation. The large sliding glass doors allow you to connect with nature and take advantage of natural light.
The main module has a bedroom and a japanese bathroom while the others modules have extra rooms, a kitchen and a home office. They can be interconnected by closed walkways with folding doors, which controls light and ventilation.
The VINA HOUSE project was designed with 3 independent modules, therefore you can buy 2 or 3 modules and locate them in the most convenient way for you.
3 bedrooms / 3 bathrooms / Kitchen / Large kitchen/ Deck o terraza
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